Female Voice

One price for all dictors - 1000 uah per minutes

Rules and answers to questions
Your vote is counted
Iryna id059

1000 uah/min


Your vote is counted
Lesya id082

1000 uah/min


Your vote is counted
Anastasia id099

1000 uah/min


Your vote is counted
Vasylina id023

1000 uah/min


Your vote is counted
Natalie id055

1000 uah/min


Required field
*Text for voiceover The approximate time of the voiceover of the text is ____min.

Select additional service

Recording an announcer in a studio on professional equipment. Not processed by a sound engineer and may contain bad takes. Ideal for do-it-yourself post-processing customers.
Includes basic voiceover. Use of licensed music and sound production. Mixing and mastering.
Post-processing of the announcer`s voice, removal of failed dubbing and professional voiceover.
25% discount on voiceover and sound production.
Choose if the voiceover will be used for advertising purposes. Don`t choose for: Movies, Games, Audiobooks, Educational Content, etc.
35% discount on voiceover and sound production.
Choose if the voiceover will be used by international brands (Coca-Cola, McDonalds, etc.). Accompanied by the signing of a contract with the announcer, the legal transfer of rights.
50% discount on voiceover and sound production.
1000 uah
1 min.
When ordering, you agree to the rules of the studio
Voice over cost:
  • The cost of voice-over and additional services does not depend on the chosen speaker. Choose the voice of the announcer that is perfect for your project, without being distracted by the price tag.
  • The cost of services cannot increase and differ from that indicated on the website (if the customer has correctly filled in the order input data). We guarantee transparency of cooperation and compliance with the prices indicated on our website.
  • The cost is calculated for 1 minute of timing if the client has not provided the text for voice-over in the corresponding window.
  • The cost of voice-over is calculated based on the duration of the voice-over, if the client has provided the text for voice-over in the corresponding window.
  • The minimum timing step is 1 minute.
  • Our base of announcers provides discounts up to -50% depending on the duration of the voice-over. The client can choose a discount using the checkboxes in the order. The discount is calculated automatically if the customer provides the full text for the voice-over when placing the order.
Stages of collaboration on voice-over:
  1. The client orders services on the dictors.com.ua website. Or contact the administrator of the announcer base in a way convenient for you.
  2. The client provides a technical task for voicing. The administrator helps the client with the formation of the technical task.
  3. The client makes 100% prepayment.
  4. Performing the ordered services and transferring the finished voice-over to the client in .WAV and/or MP3 formats.
  5. Making free edits (changes) if the voice-over does not meet the technical task or there is a technical defect in the sound recording.

Create comprehensive and clear technical tasks to protect yourself from unwanted sounding results. If the client wants to make changes to the voice-over that does not contradict the technical task, then the specialists implement the changes as a separate service at the standard price of the announcer base.

Other rules:
  • The announcer may refuse to voice over at his discretion (for political, religious, and other reasons). In this case, the client can choose another announcer, or the announcer base administrator returns the prepayment to the client.
  • Voice-over is carried out in the dictros.com.ua studio, in the studios of dictros.com.ua partners, or in the studio of a chosen announcer.
  • The presence of the client during voice-over is not possible by default. If there is such a need, the announcer base administrator finds out the possibility of this option (the option is paid, and the price varies depending on the selected announcer).
  • The announcer base administrator communicates only with the client who has placed an order for voice acting and made a prepayment. The administrator does not conduct communication with third parties.

Rules of the dictors.com.ua base

Voice over cost:
  • The cost of voice-over and additional services does not depend on the chosen speaker. Choose the voice of the announcer that is perfect for your project, without being distracted by the price tag.
  • The cost of services cannot increase and differ from that indicated on the website (if the customer has correctly filled in the order input data). We guarantee transparency of cooperation and compliance with the prices indicated on our website.
  • The cost is calculated for 1 minute of timing if the client has not provided the text for voice-over in the corresponding window.
  • The cost of voice-over is calculated based on the duration of the voice-over, if the client has provided the text for voice-over in the corresponding window.
  • The minimum timing step is 1 minute.
  • Our base of announcers provides discounts up to -50% depending on the duration of the voice-over. The client can choose a discount using the checkboxes in the order. The discount is calculated automatically if the customer provides the full text for the voice-over when placing the order.
Stages of collaboration on voice-over:
  1. The client orders services on the dictors.com.ua website. Or contact the administrator of the announcer base in a way convenient for you.
  2. The client provides a technical task for voicing. The administrator helps the client with the formation of the technical task.
  3. The client makes 100% prepayment.
  4. Performing the ordered services and transferring the finished voice-over to the client in .WAV and/or MP3 formats.
  5. Making free edits (changes) if the voice-over does not meet the technical task or there is a technical defect in the sound recording.

Create comprehensive and clear technical tasks to protect yourself from unwanted sounding results. If the client wants to make changes to the voice-over that does not contradict the technical task, then the specialists implement the changes as a separate service at the standard price of the announcer base.

Other rules:
  • The announcer may refuse to voice over at his discretion (for political, religious, and other reasons). In this case, the client can choose another announcer, or the announcer base administrator returns the prepayment to the client.
  • Voice-over is carried out in the dictros.com.ua studio, in the studios of dictros.com.ua partners, or in the studio of a chosen announcer.
  • The presence of the client during voice-over is not possible by default. If there is such a need, the announcer base administrator finds out the possibility of this option (the option is paid, and the price varies depending on the selected announcer).
  • The announcer base administrator communicates only with the client who has placed an order for voice acting and made a prepayment. The administrator does not conduct communication with third parties.


Female voice-over is most often used for video and audio production of advertisements for goods or services, the consumers of which are women or children. In addition to recording commercial videos and audio series, women’s voices are also used for other purposes, such as dubbing films and TV series, audiobooks, computer games, etc. The dictors.com.ua database unites dozens of professional actresses, so here you will definitely find the voice that will best suit your text.

The voice timbres of female announcers

Before proceeding to voicing the text with female voice-over actors, it is necessary to understand what timbres of female voices exist in general. There are three of them:

  • Soprano is the highest female voice. A female announcer with this voice will sound light, gentle, and sonorous.
  • Mezzo-soprano is a voice with a lower timbre. It is characterized by a rich, thick, deep sound.
  • Contralto is the lowest female voice. Female announcers with a contralto are a real treasure because this voice is quite rare.

Female announcer’s voices: perception and features of application

For any announcer, clear articulation, the absence of speech defects, and the ability to put in accents and pauses are important. But when choosing a woman voice actor for voicing, consider that different timbres have different effects on the subconscious.

A high, sonorous voice is associated with youth and energy. Female dubbing with a similar voice is suitable for advertising:

  • sports activities;
  • youth and entertainment events;
  • concerts and cultural events;
  • services for children and children’s goods;
  • educational courses;
  • social measures that emphasize the need for reforms and changes.

But you should be careful with a high-pitched female announcer’s voice because an excessively shrill, sharp, screeching voice causes a feeling of discomfort, is associated with hysteria or an alarm signal. And that’s why no one will trust an advertisement voiced in this voice.

A low female voice is associated with maturity and self-confidence. These voices are perfectly combined with advertising:

  • banks, legal, notary, audit offices;
  • builders and developers;
  • medical services;
  • goods and services of the premium segment.

It is not enough to write the material and voice the text in a female voice. It is necessary to choose the right female voice-over artist for your project. After all, if the announcer’s tone of voice dissonances with the words he utters, it will cause misunderstandings and unwanted associations. In this case, the advertisement will not only not bring the expected effect but also may push potential customers away. Therefore, for a woman voice-over, where it is about guarantees and responsibility, choose a low sound, and leave the ringing for informal youth advertising.

Dubbing movies with a female voice

Separately, we will mention the dubbing of the movie with a female voice. Among the female announcers in the dictors.com.ua database are actresses who can voice several roles in films or TV series at the same time, changing their intonation and voice. In addition, if necessary, actresses can imitate a child’s voice. For example, in the video, there is only one short phrase provided for voice-over by the child. However, we still advise you to use the children’s voice base in such cases.

Announcer database: how to order a female voice for voice-over text

dictors.com.ua is a bank of women’s voices. Here you will find an announcer (female voice) for a project of any complexity. To order a voice-over female of a text from dictors.com.ua, it is enough to choose the desired voice, form a technical task, make a payment, and within a few days you will receive a professional voice-over in .WAV and/or .MP3 formats.

The cost of female voice-over online the text with a girl’s voice is calculated for 1 minute of timing and does not depend on the chosen announcer. In our female voice actor database, you can order dubbing of formats of various genres – from audiobooks to dubbing games and movies. Only professional announcers are in the dictors.com.ua database. A female voice-over demo sounds high-quality with correct intonations and accents. In addition, child and male voice are available for order on the website.